Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities F

There are not many amenities close to this location.
Coffee (21) F
Entertainment (20) F
Food and Drink (103) F
Fitness (8) F
Groceries (23) F
Parks (84) B
Shops (108) F
See more Santa Ana amenity data

commute F

Of all people who commute, 4.3% take public transportation in Santa Ana.
Public Transit Stops (53)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Santa Ana commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Santa Ana is 153/100 - which is 9% higher than California.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Santa Ana cost of living data

crime F

Santa Ana crime rates are 2,553 per 100k, which is 10% lower than California
Property Crime
1,996 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
557 crimes per 100k
See more Santa Ana crime data

employment A

The median income in Santa Ana is $72,406 - which is 14% higher than California.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Santa Ana employment data

health F

There are not many hospitals, police and fire stations,
Health & Safety (44)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Santa Ana health & safety data

housing B-

Santa Ana home prices are $525,900 - which is 28% higher than California
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
7.3x (home price to income ratio)
See more Santa Ana housing data

schools D

The Santa Ana graduation rate is 53% - which is 34% lower than California
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (92) A+
High Schools (28) A+
See more Santa Ana education data

ratings D-

Santa Ana has an overall rating of 52% from 19 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (16)
From AreaVibes
See more Santa Ana user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Santa Ana, CA
( 19 Ratings )

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Santa Ana Reviews

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Santa Ana is Garbage 1 rating By Anonymous ( May 30, 2020) Lived here many years... gangs make it a horrible place to raise kids decently. Drugs are heavy consuming the city whole and the illegals are draining the citys funds. Streets are bad and pot holed so watch where your driving. If you can just drive passed or threw it and dont l ...Read More ooked back. Much safer in Laguna Beach (15 min away) Huntington Beach 20 minutes away or the neighboring city Irvine which is reputedly one of the safest cities in America.
Your Anonymous Friend. Read Less
I love Santa Ana the best of all! 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 25, 2011) California is filled with many popular tourist destinations. I travel often to many of them, but my favorite when traveling along with my wife and two young daughters, is Santa Ana. It offers a nice break from my home in Texas. My wife and kids love this entertaining city. Here i ...Read More s a brief overview of a typical trip I and my family enjoy whenever we visit this awesome city.

The first thing we do when we arrive is to check into our hotel. We like to save our money on our hotel, so we do not get anything overly fancy. Fortunately there are many bargain priced, but quality, hotels to choose form in the city. Once we check into the hotel, we usually will head out to go and do some shopping. My wife absolutely loves the Main place mall (a.k.a. Westfield Main Place) it is not unusual for us to leave with all our hands full of shopping bags. The prices are reasonable overall and there are many stores to choose from. After shopping we will go and get a bite to eat. Santa Ana has many fine restaurants and hidden low priced gems. We like to try a different place each time. So far we have been pleased with every place we have tried. After eating, it is not uncommon for us to head on out to one of the nearby beaches. Santa Ana is in close proximity to many great beaches. I recommend Huntington Beach if you are going with a family.

Whenever I travel alone, I enjoy taking trips to visit some of the great museums the city offers. My favorite museum is the Bowers Museum. If the children are tagging along with me I usually will take them to the Discovery Science Center. There is always something fun to do for the children at the Discovery Science Center. In closing, Santa Ana is a great city for anyone wishing to spend a nice memorable trip with their family. Read Less
Santa Ana - Not the Most Pleasant California City 2 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) Having worked in California one summer during college, I frequently travelled to Los Angeles and surrounding cities on weekends. Santa Ana, unfortunately, was one of those cities.

For the Santa Ana die-hards that love the local culture, I am sorry to disappoint you with this re
...Read More view. I have never felt so unsafe in my entire life. Located in southern California and right near the Mexican border, many illegal immigrants flock to Santa Ana. I have nothing against immigration, however there seem to be many tensions between police enforcement and illegal immigrants in the area. This is NOT a place to raise families in southern California, and many buildings are broken down in the area. The educational system, from what I heard from my co-workers that were California residents, is also horrible. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you may find some quaint areas that offer decent Santa Ana restaurants or even some shopping. I looked and never saw any...

While I never saw a gang during my visit to Santa Ana, I have heard "legends" that many Latino gangs control the area. How true this rumor is, I have no idea. But, given the broken down appearance of the city, and random people walking through streets, I could definitely believe that legend. Overall, I very much disliked my time in Santa Ana and I have these words of wisdom for any thinking of visiting the area or living there. Don't do it... Read Less
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Santa Ana - Not the Most Pleasant California City 2 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) Having worked in California one summer during college, I frequently travelled to Los Angeles and surrounding cities on weekends. Santa Ana, unfortunately, was one of those cities.

For the Santa Ana die-hards that love the local culture, I am sorry to disappoint you with this re
...Read More view. I have never felt so unsafe in my entire life. Located in southern California and right near the Mexican border, many illegal immigrants flock to Santa Ana. I have nothing against immigration, however there seem to be many tensions between police enforcement and illegal immigrants in the area. This is NOT a place to raise families in southern California, and many buildings are broken down in the area. The educational system, from what I heard from my co-workers that were California residents, is also horrible. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you may find some quaint areas that offer decent Santa Ana restaurants or even some shopping. I looked and never saw any...

While I never saw a gang during my visit to Santa Ana, I have heard "legends" that many Latino gangs control the area. How true this rumor is, I have no idea. But, given the broken down appearance of the city, and random people walking through streets, I could definitely believe that legend. Overall, I very much disliked my time in Santa Ana and I have these words of wisdom for any thinking of visiting the area or living there. Don't do it... Read Less

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Compare Santa Ana, CA Livability


      Santa Ana, CA

      Santa Ana was named in honor of Saint Anne in 1769. Today, the city has grown to over 325,000 residents, making it one of Orange County's largest cities. The city is blessed with beautiful weather and warm-hearted people who make this a great place to live. While the cost of living may not be low, there are plenty of free outdoor activities that give residents something to do almost any day of the year.

      Flower Park, Floral Park, and Riverview West are some of the area's top neighborhoods. These areas have a neat collection of vintage homes and modern homes that are not necessarily cheap, but there are some value buys to be found out there for those who are willing to look hard and put in a little bit of their own labor to get some sweat equity. Santa Ana is a bit over 25 square miles. Its compact size means that it is pretty easy to get around town by bike, private vehicle, or public transit. There are multiple options available to those who do not want to drive and want to rely on public transit. Amtrak, Metrolink, and the Orange County Transit Authority all operate trains, busses, and shuttles that can get people around the city and the Los Angeles Metro Area.

      Allied Universal, Behr, the Orange County Public School System, and SimpleTech are some of the leading employers in the area. Each of these companies offers their workforce rewarding career experiences with generous pay and benefit packages. The city is known for its public school system. Nova Academy, Reach Academy, and Orange County Education Arts Academy are a few of the charter and magnate schools that have really changed the way that education is offered to students in the city. The lottery to get a seat at one of these schools is closely followed by parents and students each school year.

      The Discovery Cube of Orange County always has something interesting to see in its rotating collection of exhibits that showcase the magic and wonder of science and history. Bowers Museum is a more traditional museum that has a lot of items on display. It does a very good job informing visitors about the history of the area and the Spanish influence that shaped the city from its earliest days. Adventure City is an amusement park for kids that has a number of roller coasters and other rides.

      The Santa Ana downtown area has a wonderful collection of restaurants that offer a modern and creative take on traditional favorites. Playground and Crave Restaurants are a couple of the most popular choices in the area for those who are looking to try something new.

      F Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Santa Ana? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location.


      Lowell Park
      Flower Street Park
      Angels Community Park
      Jerome Park
      Birch Park
      Friendship Park
      Sasscer Park
      Downtown Santa Ana Historic District


      Santa Ana Stadium
      The Wayward Artist
      Grand Central Art Center
      Orange County Center for Contemporary Art
      Yost Theater
      The Frida Cinema
      Heritage Museum of Orange County
      El Nuevo Corral Nightclub

      Food & Drink

      Jack in the Box
      Blackmarket Bakery Santa Ana
      In-N-Out Burger
      Panda Express
      La Michoacana Express
      Native Son Alehouse

      A Commute

      Is public transit available in Santa Ana? Of all people who commute, 4.3% take public transportation in Santa Ana.
      Drive to Work

      4% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      1% lower than the US average

      Walk to Work

      1% lower than the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Santa Ana a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      South Coast Global Medical Center
      Orange County Global Medical Center
      Kindred Hospital - Santa Ana


      Santa Ana Tustin Compounding Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      Bristol Medical Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy
      Rite Aid
      CVS Pharmacy
      Kaiser Permanente - Santa Ana Medical Offices


      Dr Mark Chang DDS
      AltaMed Medical Group- Bristol
      Ludmir Jaime MC
      Alta Med Medical Center
      Joseph A. Serna, MD
      South Coast Pediatrics